Dieting: Losing my Mind, One Pound at a Time

As I count out each individual piece of buttered popcorn to fit into my daily Weight Watchers points allowance, I start to really question my life choices and how I got to the point of becoming so obsessed with dieting and a number on the scale. From a very young age, I’ve struggled with weight…

Losing my mind, one pound at a time

As I count out each individual piece of buttered popcorn to fit into my daily Weight Watchers points allowance, I start to really question my life choices and how I got to the point of becoming so obsessed with a number on the scale. From a very young age, I’ve struggled with weight and body…

My “Charlotte York” Moment

Every hopeless romantic woman on the dating scene who grew up watching Sex and the City reruns can relate, when I say that I finally had my “Charlotte York” moment. The moment of pure exhaustion when it comes to years of dating and trying to find the elusive “white knight”.  We all remember the famous…