How Twitter Changed my Life

I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but when I opened my Twitter account back in 2009, I had no idea of the impact it was going to actually have on my life. In a land before time when memes weren’t even a thing and before I was composing 1500 word blog posts for…

Writer Confessions: I Hate Reading. There, I Said it.

I have a confession. I hate reading. I crawl into bed each night next to a perfectly stacked pile of books on my bedside table, all of which are half read (half is actually pushing it, I’ve probably only read the forewords). I love books, the smell, the feel of flipping through pages, the bright…

I hate reading. There, I said it.

I crawl into bed each night next to a perfectly stacked pile of books on my bed side table, all of which are half read (half is actually pushing it, I’ve probably only read the forewords). I love books, the smell, the feel of flipping though pages, the bright colours and individual design of each…