Surviving Quarantine – My List of Must-Haves

I don’t know about you, but on day one of quarantine when everyone else was panic buying toilet paper, I was adding everything but the kitchen sink to my Amazon cart. Having been physically distancing and working from home since mid-March, I’ve saved so much money on gas and Starbucks, that I figured, why NOT…

My New Quaran(rou)tine

Pre Quarantine Routine Before having been able to work from home, my alarm would go off as early as 5:45 a.m. Mostly so I can listen to my boyfriend’s radio show in between hitting the snooze button 27 times. In a nutshell, my morning routine consists of waking getting up late, throwing on an outfit…

Quarantine Carrot Muffins

If you go to a grocery store right now, you’ll probably notice that the baking aisles are becoming just as sparse as the toilet paper shelves. That’s because everybody is using this time in self-isolation to start practicing what it will be like to revert back to the days of churning our own butter and…

Swipe Up to Check Out My Mental Breakdown

You’re always on my mind. You’re the last thing I think about before bed and my first thought when I open my eyes at 7 a.m. to the sound of my alarm. You’re the reason I’m late for work in the mornings and the reason I stay up way too late at night. You challenge…