Swipe Up to Check Out My Mental Breakdown

You’re always on my mind. You’re the last thing I think about before bed and my first thought when I open my eyes at 7 a.m. to the sound of my alarm. You’re the reason I’m late for work in the mornings and the reason I stay up way too late at night. You challenge…

Kicking it OLD School

Going back to school in your mid 30’s certainly comes with its challenges. Picture this: A 35-year-old woman sitting in the last available chair at her local Starbucks with a MacBook on her lap (because you can’t swing a dead cat in there without hitting someone working on the 3rd draft of their thesis), reading…

How Twitter Changed my Life

I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but when I opened my Twitter account back in 2009, I had no idea of the impact it was going to actually have on my life. In a land before time when memes weren’t even a thing and before I was composing 1500 word blog posts for…

I hate reading. There, I said it.

I crawl into bed each night next to a perfectly stacked pile of books on my bed side table, all of which are half read (half is actually pushing it, I’ve probably only read the forewords). I love books, the smell, the feel of flipping though pages, the bright colours and individual design of each…

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice – Tales of a Basic Bitch

If you were late for work this morning because you had to stop and get a pumpkin spice latte at your local Starbucks drive-thru where the barista, who knows you by name, proceeded to compliment your oversized blanket scarf as you drove off listening to the latest Taylor Swift album, you might be a basic…

Proud Member of The No-Babysitter’s Club

When I tell people I don’t want kids, I’m always looked at like I have two-heads (none of which will be coming out of my vagina). Since it’s 2018, I’d like to think that I don’t have to explain the millions of reasons why you should never ask a woman in her thirties (or a…

Forget the Spark, I Need a Blow Torch

As I prep tonight’s gourmet single-girl dinner which consists of half a bag of Skinny-pop popcorn and a caffeine-free Diet Coke, I find myself feeling an overwhelming amount of guilt for having given up on myself and completely lost my spark. I guess you could say my “fuck it” meter is at an all-time high…

The Fast and The Furious Life of a Female Driver

They say that driving is a privilege, not a right. But what I don’t understand is how insurance companies think that gives them the right to pretty much have us at their mercy for the rest of our ever-loving lives. And don’t even get me started on how insurance companies treat you when you’re a…